Department of Commerce
The University of Burdwan
Department of Commerce
The University of Burdwan
the University of Burdwan
the University of Burdwan
Rabindra Mahavidyalaya
Rabindra Mahavidyalaya
Pondicherry University
The University of Burdwan
The University of Burdwan
J. K. College, Purulia
Purulia J.K. College
Purulia J.K. College
Shubha Ranjan Dutta, The University of Burdwan
Tutun Mukherjee, The University of Burdwan
ABHISEK SAHA ROY, The University of Burdwan
Shubha Ranjan Dutta, The University of Burdwan
Tutun Mukherjee, The University of Burdwan
ABHISEK SAHA ROY, The University of Burdwan
Life Member
Life Member
Head, Department of Commerce
Associate Professor
Head, Department of Commerce
Head, Department of Commerce
Associate Professor
Head, Department of Commerce
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Head, Department of Commerce